Presentation Guideline

    For the Regular & Industrial Paper

  • The duration of a regular paper presentation is 30 minutes, which contains a lecture for about 20 minutes and about 10 minutes for questions from the audience.
  • If you do the presentation online, please submit a record through HERE by June 30, 2023. You are required to do the presentation ONLINE, and the recrod will be played only if your internet is not stable.
  • Please DOWNLOAD the template of powerpoint for your further reference.
  • For the Fresh Idea

  • The duration of the fresh idea presentation is 10 minutes, which contains a lecture for about 5 minutes and about 5 minutes for questions from the audience.
  • If you do the presentation online, please submit a record through HERE by June 30, 2023. You are required to do the presentation ONLINE, and the recrod will be played only if your internet is not stable.
  • Besides, please prepare a poster for onsite display with the size of A0 (1189 highx841 base). The conference organizers can print the poster for you if it is sent to us before June 30, 2023 (by email with your paper ID as the subject). Otherwise, please print and bring it along with you to the conference.

Program at a Glance

July 16 (Sunday)
10:00-17:00 Registration
July 17 (Monday)
8:30-8:50 Opening Ceremony
Keynote Speech Chair: Delong Shang, Institute of Microelectronics, Chiese Academic of Sciences, China
8:50-9:40 Keynote Speech Mike Davies, Neuromorphic Computing Laboratory, Intel Corporation, USA
Title: Go Big or Go Home
9:40-10:30 Keynote Speech Giacomo Indiveri, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Title: Brain-inspired Routing in Mixed-signal Neuromorphic Processors
10:30-11:00 Group Photo & Coffee Break
Session 1 : Asynchronous Pipelines, Test, Security, Fault Tolerance, and Case Study
Session Chair: Laurent Fesquet, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France
11:00-11:30 3540 Opportunistic Mutual Exclusion
Karthi Srinivasan
1, Yoram Moses2 and Rajit Manohar1
1Yale University, United States; 2Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
11:30-12:00 1686 Timed Signalling Processes
Rajit Manohar1 and Yoram Moses2
1Yale Univerisity, United States; 2Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
12:00-12:30 6636 Case Study for Skewing MTNCL Circuits
Cole Sherrill1, Kyle Orman1, Nicholas Brown1 and Jia Di1
1University of Arkansas, United States
12:30-14:00 Lunch at Shangyuan Restaurant (2nd floor)
Keynote Speech Chair: Jens Sparsø, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
14:00-14:50 Keynote Speech Yvain Thonnart, CEA-List, France
Title: The ANOC Asynchronous Communication Architecture: a Retrospective on a 15-year Circuit Roadmap
Session 2: CAD Tools for Asynchronous Design, Synthesis, Analysis, and Optimization
Session Chair: De Ma, Zhejiang University, China
14:50-15:20 3119 Design Asynchronous Circuits with Chisel
Jilin Zhang
1, Chunqi Qian1, Dexuan Huo1, Jian Zhang1 and Hong Chen1
1Tsinghua University, China
15:20-15:50 7079 Yak: An Asynchronous Bundled Data Pipeline Description Language
Carsten Nielsen1, Zhe Su1 and Giacomo Indiveri1
1University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland
15:50-16:20 9680 A 28nm Energy-efficient Asynchronous SNN Accelerator with On-chip Learning for Gas Recognition
Dexuan Huo
1, Jilin Zhang1 and Hong Chen1
1Tsinghua university, China
16:20-16:30 Coffee Break
Session 3 : Asynchronous Pipelines, Architectures, CPUs, and Circuits
Session Chair: Zhiyi Yu, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
16:30-17:00 7458 A Novel Approach for Mitigating Single Event Transient Effects in Quasi Delay Insensitive Logic
Zaheer Tabassam
1, Andreas Steininger1, Robert Najvirt1 and Florian Huemer1
1TU Wien, Austria
17:00-17:10 6479
 (Fresh Idea)
Data-driven Pruning for Bundled-data Circuits
Cristiano Merio
1, Xavier Lesage, Ali Naimi2, 1Sylvain Engels1, Katell Morin-Allory3 and Laurent Fesquet3
1Grenoble-INP / TIMA & STMicrolectronics, France; 2Grenoble-INP / TIMA & Orioma, France; 3Grenoble-INP / TIMA,France
17:10-17:40 6840 A Smart Event-based Vision Sensor with a 320K Neuron Convolutional Neuronal Network Processing Pipeline
Ole Richter
1, Yannan Xing2, Michele De Marchi3, Carsten Nielsen3, Merkourios Katsimpris3, Roberto Cattaneo3, Yudi Ren2, Yalun Hu2, Qian Liu3, Sadique Sheik3, Tugba Demirci3 and Ning Qiao3
1University of Groningen, Netherlands; 2Synsense, China; 3Synsense AG, China
17:40-17:50 6069
 (Fresh Idea)
A 22nm Asynchronous RISC-V Processor with Self-adaptive Pipeline and Asynchronous Cache Module
Mingxuan Liang
1and Hong Chen1
1Tsinghua University,China
17:50-18:00 7162
(Fresh Idea)
SLAD: A Low-power Microprocessor Architecture Based on Synchronous Logic Asynchronous Driven Mechanism
Zhenbang Kang
1, Yihua Lu1, Zecheng Liang1, Ruoyun Sun1 and Anping He1
1Lanzhou University, China
18:00-20:00 Welcome Reception at Dongyuan Restaurant
July 18 (Tuesday)
Keynote Speech Chair: Jia Di, University of Arkansas, United States
8:30-9:20 Keynote Speech Kanwen (Kevin) Wang, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., China
Title: Our Practice and Expectations on Asynchronous Design
9:20-10:10 Special Session Speech Huaqiang Wu, Tsinghua University, China
Title: Memristor-based Energy-efficient Neuromorphic Computing
10:10-10:20 Coffee Break
Special Session Speech Chair:Prof. Andreas Steininger, Institute of Computer Engineering, Austria
10:20-11:10 Special Session Speech Elisabetta Chicca, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Title: Biologically Realistic Learning in Full Custom CMOS Asynchronous Systems
11:10-12:00 Special Session Speech Gang Pan, Zhejiang University, China
Title: Neuromorphic Computer: Progresses, Challenges, and Practices   
12:00-13:30 Lunch at Shangyuan Restaurant (2nd floor)
13:30-17:00 Field Trip to Forbidden City
18:00-20:00 Best Paper Award Ceremony & Banquet (Quanjude)
July 19 (Wednesday)
Tutorial Chair: Anping He, Lanzhou University,China
8:30-10:00 Tutorial Rajit Manohar, Computer Systems Lab at Yale, USA
Title: An ASIC Flow for Asynchronous Logic
10:00-10:10 Coffee Break
Session 4: Formal Methods for Verification and Performance/Power Analysis
Session Chair: Wei Song, Institute of Information Engineering, CAS, China
10:10-10:40 2050
 (Industrial Paper)
A QDI Interconnect for 3D Systems Using Industry Standard EDA and Cell Libraries
Matheus Trevisan Moreira1, William Koven1, Tony Wu1, Ekin Sumbul1, Edith Beigne1 1Reality Labs, Meta (Formerly known as Facebook Inc), United States
10:40-11:10 7309 Cyclic Timing Path Evaluation Using Commercial Static Timing Analysis Algorithms
Mac Wibbels1, Baudouin Chauviere1, Kenneth Stevens1
1University of Utah, United States
11:10-11:20 3912
(Fresh Idea)
Quasi-synchronous Communication on SoC
Zeng Qingyang
1, Wang Jingyu1, Cong Jiaxu1, Dai Yue2, Tang Xiqin2, Li Yang2 and Shang Delong3
1Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academic of Sciences,China; 2Nanjing Institute of Intelligent and Technology,China; 3Nanjing Institute of Intelligent and Technology Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academic of Sciences, China
11:20-11:50 820 A Novel Asynchronous Network-on-chip Based on Source Asynchronous Signaling
Venkata Sai Madhukiran Harsha Nori1, Baudouin Chauviere1, Mackenzie Wibbels1 and Kenneth Stevens1
1University of Utah, United States
11:50-12:20 2247 Verification-driven Design for Asynchronous VLSI
Xiang Wu
1 and Rajit Manohar1
1Yale University, United States
12:20-14:00 Lunch at Shangyuan Restaurant (2nd floor)
Session 5: Asynchronous Design for Neural Networks and Machine Learning Applications
Session Chair: Lei Wang, Defense Innovation Institute, Beijing, China
14:00-14:30 9150 Core Interface Optimization for Multi-core Neuromorphic Processors
Zhe Su
1, Hyunjung Hwang2, Tristan Torchet2 and Giacomo Indiveri1
1Institute of Neuroinformatics University of Zurich and ETH Zurich,  Switzerland; 2ETH Zurich, Switzerland
14:30-15:00 6672 An Efficient Data Structure for Sparse Bit-Vectors with Applications in Neuromorphic Computing
Prafull Purohit
1, Johannes Leugering2 and Rajit Manohar1
1Yale University, United States; 2Fraunhofer Insititute for Integrated Circuits (IIS), Germany
15:00-15:10 4371
(Fresh Idea)
CanMore: A Configurable Asynchronous Neuromorphic Hardware Simulator
Jian Zhang
1 and Hong Chen1
1Tsinghua University, China
15:10-15:20 Coffee Break
Session 6: Mixed-timed Circuits, Clock Domain Crossing, GALS Systems, Network-on-chip, and Multi-chip Interconnects
Session Chair: Yu Zhou, Hainan Normal University, China
15:20-15:30 3058
(Fresh Idea)
Analysis of GasP Asynchronous Handshake Circuit Based on Logical Effort
Xun Li
1, Yan Wang1, Mingyang Zhou1 and Anping He1
1Lanzhou University, China
15:30-16:00 8273 Flexible Compilation and Refinement of Asynchronous Circuits
Ebelechukwu Esimai
1 and Marly Roncken1
1Portland State University, United States
16:00-16:30 2566
 (Industrial Paper)
Live Demonstration: Low Power and High Speed AI on an Asynchronous Neuromorphic ASIC
Yannan Xing
1, Yuhsien Fan1, Nogay Kuepelioglu2, Yalun Hu1, Michele De Marchi2, Carsten Nielsen2, Yudi Ren1, Sadique Sheik2, Tugba Demirci2 and Ning Qiao1
1SynSense, China; 2SynSense, Switzerland
16:30-17:30 Closing Ceremony
17:40-20:00 Dinner at Shangyuan Restaurant (2nd floor)